
Us. International is an organization that has two main objectives. Our primary objective is to raise money to provide new wells to rural communities in their schools through our partner non-profit. Our second objective is to create young leaders in our communities that are able to lead their friends and classmates in building a greater understanding of the problems faced by the global community. We believe these two objectives will raise the living standard of not only the people it directly affects, but also the global community as a whole.

In Uganda and the areas that we target for well implementation clean water is often hard to find and harder to transport. In fact, 2.5 billion people, half the population of the developing world, lack access to safe sanitation. The journey to get water can take all day and usually the water found comes from a stream that people bathe and defecate in. The people carry their water in whatever jugs they can find, including used gasoline jugs. One of our major goals is to provide convenient wells that cut down the journey for the people in these remote villages and provide a clean water source. The wells that we fund are placed in schools; this brings children to the schools in order to collect water. Once there, they get to stay for an education, so water will help mandate the school system in these communities.

Education and sanitation are objectives that fall out of Drop in the Buckets innovative approach and a cornerstone of our mission. Once a community has a well it’s extremely important to help stress the importance of practicing good hygiene in order to promote health. What good is clean water if it’s carried in gasoline jugs or if their children still die from water-born diseases? Studies show that improved sanitation reduces Diarrhea death rates by a third. Diarrhea is a major killer and largely preventable: it is responsible for 1.5 million deaths every year, mostly among under-five children living in developing countries. We provide donations for Drop in the Bucket’s education efforts and we provide educational curriculum that helps teach the basics of sanitation. Through education and safer water we can help reduce the risks of water-born diseases and help improve lives. Hygiene education and promotion of hand washing are simple, cost-effective measures that can reduce diarrhoea cases by up to 45%. The economic benefits of sanitation are persuasive. Every US$1 invested in improved sanitation, translates into an average return of US$9. Those benefits are experienced specifically by poor children and in the disadvantaged communities that need them most.